Solutions to Child Abuse?

Question by JessicaLauren;: Solutions to Child Abuse?
I am writing this ten page essay about Child Abuse. And my third chapter has to be my solution for it. I can’t really think of any solutions. There really is none. I mean, you can’t have the law living with you, making sure you don’t abuse your child. So, i have listed some preventions. But can anyone give me some feedback? It would be greatly appreciated. This is an intense topic. I just need some solutions. Please and thank you in advance. 🙂
I don’t need to know what to do AFTER the abuse. I need ways to prevent it BEFORE it happens.
See, this is where i am struggling. I can think of multiple ways to help after the abuse, but it is very hard to find ways to prevent it before abuse. I need some help. Anyone?

Best answer:

Answer by Alice
tell the police
tell someone well trusted
conselor or therapist

Answer by Joyanna1985
Hey, It’s a very good questions and a hard, but important, topic to discuss considering its so rampant in our society. I believe that education is one way we can prevent child abuse. People need to be made aware that it’s happening in their towns, their neighborhood, their street! I have put some points of interest for prevention below:

1. Education. Programs and education need to be provided for children that have already been abuse. The chances of an abused child growing up with emotional scars, even when the physical scars have disappeared, is extremely high. The child grows up with a messed up view on parenting and one way to prevent hereditary abuse from flowing down the generations to educate these young people in the correct parenting techniques and also anger management.

2. Support young / at risk parents in raising children. Raising a child is difficult and without pre-natal and post-natal courses it can be impossible for some people. Giving people a free option of doing a course may prevent a parent from ‘losing it’ when their child is constantly crying and they don’t know what to do.

3. Advertising. A good TV campaign on child abuse will highlight and remind people that it is never okay to hit a child and may prevent someone from hurting their child.

4. Monitor children’s television and video viewing. Children learn from example so watching violent films and TV programs can harm young children who struggle to separate reality from fiction and they may grow up thinking its acceptable to behave the way they have been shown on TV.

5. Early child and family screening and treatment for at risk families and children. This will assist in early detection of behavior that could highlight a potential risk and then the parent can then be educated in ways of managing the behavior they display.

6. Cheep, safe childcare opportunities. This would help both parents who work and also at home parents. It can be stressful being at home with your child all day and having an opportunity to put your child into childcare for a few hours may release the stress and tension and the parents will be happy to look after the child again.

Although anyone is capable of abusing a child there are families and people that are more likely to abuse children. These are the people that I think need to be encouraged in correct parenting the most. There are a lot of different influences that can cause a person to abuse a child. Things like cultural differences, the fact they were abused as a child themselves, like financial or relationship difficulties, drug or alcohol abuse, etc. People need to be taught that there is no excuse for abusing a child and more sever punishments need to be in place for parents who do abuse their child.

Please note: When I suggest things like child and family screening etc I do not mean for a child protection agency to storm in and remove the children until the parents prove they are fit parents. I meant for child protection agencies and groups to work with families to teach them acceptable behavior and practices. It’s not a ‘us vs. them’ mentality but rather the agencies and groups trying to help and support the parents and teach them so that they can have a happy, normal family unit without the children having to go to foster homes.

I hope it helps. Sorry its sooo long. 🙂

Good Luck with your essay.