Some Fear Drug Rehab Facilities Could Be Shut Down – Sacramento Bee

Some fear drug rehab facilities could be shut down – Sacramento Bee

Some fear drug rehab facilities could be shut down
Sacramento Bee
are unregulated and unsafe. The Oxford City Council last month hired an attorney to take legal action against the city's 11 residential drug rehab facilities, which council members said are operating as boarding houses in violation of zoning

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Drug Rehab Center Not to be Built in Grayson, Ky. as Planned – WSAZ-TV


Drug Rehab Center Not to be Built in Grayson, Ky. as Planned
GRAYSON, Ky. (WSAZ) — Eastern Kentucky's newest proposed drug treatment facility won't be built in Grayson, after all. "I'm not satisfied with the reasons we were given," Mayor George Steele said. "We're a community that needs a facility. We are a 
Carter drug rehab facility rejectedJournal-Times

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