Suboxone Talk Zone the Movie

Suboxone Talk Zone The Movie
Recovering psychiatrist Jeffrey T Junig MD PhD discusses opiate dependence treatment options including Suboxone. He is known as SuboxDoc at the blog Suboxone…



Franchise And Distribution @ Gowlings – Volume 7 – Number 2
In October 2012, the British Columbia Law Institute (BCLI) began a project to bring forth recommendations for a Franchise Act for British Columbia. So far, five of the 10 provinces in Canada have franchise legislation. Provinces that have enacted … Read more on Mondaq News Alerts (registration)

Dr. Michael A. Weber to Deliver Nahum J. Winer Lecture at The New York
Dr. Weber's talk is titled, "Unresolved Issues in Diagnosing and Treating Hypertension: Is Renal Sympathectomy an Answer?" He will review what blood pressure levels are appropriate for treatment, currently proposed drug strategies, and the possible … Read more on Newswise (press release)

Woody Allen's son may actually be Frank Sinatra's son
Although the sexual abuse charges against Allen were dropped, Dylan told VF, “There's a lot I don't remember, but what happened in the attic I remember. I remember what I was wearing and what I wasn't wearing.” “The things making me uncomfortable were … Read more on Daily Caller