community service

Should I Take Codeine if I Have a Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

Question by Christian: Should i take codeine if i have a drug and alcohol addiction?
Hello i have had a history of drug and alcohol addiction. My friend told me i should take Codeine to help me to quit.… Continue reading

What Are the Negative Consequences of Drug Use and Abuse?

Question by jjthenerd: What are the negative consequences of drug use and abuse?
I also need the contacts to various support groups and community services that can help with quitting addiction, for example Kids Help Line (the contacts of… Continue reading

How Does It Affect a Man to Have Been Given Up for Adoption at Birth?

Question by Cougar: How does it affect a man to have been given up for adoption at birth?

Best answer:

Answer by Mark N
Depends on how long he spent in orphanage or foster homes and the new upbringing.… Continue reading

What Are the Problem With Drug Rehabilitation Programs ?

Question by Ashley: What are the problem with drug rehabilitation programs ?
I want to know if drug rehabilitation programs have any world issue

Like if they think there needs to be more funding or less
What it needs… Continue reading

How Much Can Drugs Harm a Baby During the First Month of Pregnancy?

Question by satankitty: How much can drugs harm a baby during the first month of pregnancy?
I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago. In the past few weeks I have taken 1 (possibly 2) ecxtasy pills, drank… Continue reading

Is It Likely That He Judge Will Take Me Off Probation Henry Country Georgia?

Question by Bstrick89: Is it likely that he judge will take me off probation Henry Country Georgia?
I received dui drugs less safe and possession of marijuana charges and was court ordered by the state to 2 years of… Continue reading