cuyahoga county

Ohio Republican Party Readies Elections Complaint Over Contribution Ed … – Plain Dealer

Ohio Republican Party readies elections complaint over contribution Ed … – Plain Dealer

Ohio Republican Party readies elections complaint over contribution Ed
Plain Dealer
Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald greets supporters April 24 after declaring his candidacy for governor.… Continue reading

The Heroin Epidemic: Naloxone, the Overdose Antidote (Video)

The Heroin Epidemic: Naloxone, the overdose antidote (video)
CLEVELAND, Ohio — A new distribution program in Cuyahoga County is giving a drug to heroin addicts that can literally bring them out of the shadow of death during an overdose. It's… Continue reading

Ariel Castro Dead, Heroin Use in Cuyahoga County on the Rise, Frank Jackson's

Ariel Castro dead, heroin use in Cuyahoga County on the rise, Frank Jackson's
Today we take a look at the discovery of Ariel Castro hanging in his jail cell, the cause of the high number of involuntary part-time workers,… Continue reading

Ariel Castro, Captor of Cleveland, Ohio, Women, Dies in Prison – Los Angeles Times

Ariel Castro, captor of Cleveland, Ohio, women, dies in prison – Los Angeles Times

New York Times
Ariel Castro, captor of Cleveland, Ohio, women, dies in prison
Los Angeles Times
Ariel Castro, the man who had been sentenced… Continue reading

Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro Dead: Commits Suicide in Prison – CNN

Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro dead: commits suicide in prison – CNN

Washington Post
Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro dead: commits suicide in prison
Ariel Castro, convicted of kidnapping and raping three women, as well as murder, committed suicide in his… Continue reading

Closer Perez Found Guilty on Marijuana Charge –

Closer Perez found guilty on marijuana charge –
Closer Perez found guilty on marijuana charge
CLEVELAND — Indians closer Chris Perez was found guilty of misdemeanor drug abuse in Rocky River Municipal Court on Tuesday. Perez, who… Continue reading