What Is the Group Called for People Who Have a Loved One That Is a Drug Addict?
Question by Melody: What is the group called for people who have a loved one that is a drug addict?
My husband is an addict and I find myself devastated and in need of support. I find alan-non but… Continue reading
How Do I Stay Strong in My Christianity in Public School?
Question by Riley: How do I stay strong in my Christianity in Public School?
I’m a Christian, and I need some tips on staying strong in my faith at school. My school is rated the school with the most… Continue reading
Does Natural Way to Break Free From Addiction for Good Really Work?
Question by Xiang Yu: Does natural way to break free from addiction for good really work?
I have had the urge to use drugs for past three years and I always feel upset. I have tried many ways to… Continue reading
What Is a Good Book to Read While Going Through a Hard Breakup?
Question by Vik: What is a good book to read while going through a hard breakup?
I want an actual story line, nothing like “He’s just not that into you” or “It’s called a breakup because it’s broken”
Maybe… Continue reading
How Long Does Oxycontin Stay in Your System?
Question by sberic81: How long does oxycontin stay in your system?
I snorted roughly 600 mg of Oxycontin in the last two days. I have a drug test coming up in about a week in a half. There doing… Continue reading
How Do I Become a Counselor?
Question by : How do i become a counselor?
I would like to be a therapist or counselor for people with drug addictions, family matters, domestic violence or something of that sort. What kind of schooling does that require?
Best… Continue reading