I Would Like to Find Drug Rehabs in Lampasas, Texas. Can Anybody Please Give Me Suggestions as to How?
Question by clare 3xr: I would like to find drug rehabs in Lampasas, Texas. Can anybody please give me suggestions as to how?
I’m doing a research regarding various drug addictions and I would like to get information from… Continue reading
Why Are Cons So Stuck on the Idea That Paying Income and Property Taxes Is Solely to Support Lazy?
Question by The Right is Wrong: Why are Cons so stuck on the idea that paying income and property taxes is solely to support lazy?
peoplethat won’t work. Our tax money goes for other things besides public aid, welfare,… Continue reading
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Addiction?
Question by Rowan: What are the signs and symptoms of addiction?
I’m looking for signs that can apply to any type addiction. I’ve tried to Google it but all I can find is for drug addictions. =/
Best answer:… Continue reading
Statistics of How Many Have a Drug Addictions in America?
Question by : statistics of how many have a drug addictions in america?
statistics of how many have a drug addictions in america ?
Best answer:
Answer by Alex,one-eyed in the land of the blind.
In one research study, approximately… Continue reading
How Do I Stay Strong in My Christianity in Public School?
Question by Riley: How do I stay strong in my Christianity in Public School?
I’m a Christian, and I need some tips on staying strong in my faith at school. My school is rated the school with the most… Continue reading
Do People With Drug Addictions Go to Mental Hospitals or Institutions?
Question by Audrey Rickard: Do people with drug addictions go to mental hospitals or institutions?
I am writing a one act play and the characters are living in a mental hospital. One suffers from hallucinations and schizophrenia. The other… Continue reading