drug addictions

How Do I Become a Counselor?

Question by : How do i become a counselor?
I would like to be a therapist or counselor for people with drug addictions, family matters, domestic violence or something of that sort. What kind of schooling does that require?

Best… Continue reading

I Need to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Star Lake, New York. How?

Question by aja b: I need to find addiction treatment centers in Star Lake, New York. How?
I want to find addiction treatment centers because I’m planning on being an addiction counselor. I have seen a lot of lives… Continue reading

What Is the Name of the Medication That Doctors Give to Patients to Get Rid of Drug Addictions Immediately?

Question by chris m: What is the name of the medication that doctors give to patients to get rid of drug addictions immediately?
What is the name of the medication that doctors give to patients to get rid of… Continue reading

Where Can a Family Member Go for Support?

Question by 🙂: Where can a family member go for support?
I am living with family members struggling with alcohol and drug addictions. Where can a stressed family member go for support on struggling with both alcoholics AND addicts?… Continue reading

Is There a Website Where I Can Help Teens With Life and Problems?

Question by Aaron: Is there a website where i can help teens with life and problems?
I really love to help ppl especially teens with life. For example depression, suicidal thoughts, abuse, drug addictions etc. Is there a website… Continue reading

Can Anybody Help With Some Advice for Homeopathic Remedies to Help With Giving Up Metadone and Other Drugs?

Question by cocoscupboard: Can anybody help with some advice for homeopathic remedies to help with giving up metadone and other drugs?
Please help with any advice on alternative homeopathic remedies such as ginseng, valarian etc, anything that could help… Continue reading