drug tests

Why Do So Many People Have a Negative Attitude Towards Prescription Medication?

...  tough times. I wish they would be monitored more closely. I hope that answers your questions. I’m not a drug hater. I work the front lines and see how drugs that are mismanaged can ruin someone’s life. Give your… Continue reading

Do You Think This Is Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

...  is $ 600 a month and it isn’t cheap, but that beats a $ 600 a DAY habit, any day. I don’t think jails/prisons should look down at someone for methadone, but try to help them. Another thing.. I… Continue reading

Hospital Treats Drug-Addict Babies: Prescription Use by Moms Rising

...  more on vtdigger.org  Help prevent suicide in Union County Filed under: signs of drug abuse Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds and is closely associated with substance abuse. … Families, friends, educators,… Continue reading

How Much Has the Church of Scientology Paid in Court Settlements This Past Year?

...  georgia The attractive couple have not been without scandal, with the silver fox having entered rehab in 2011 for prescription drug dependency. And in 2009, a sex tape involving Eric, Rebecca, and former Miss Teen USA contestant Kari Ann… Continue reading

How Can I Get Xanax Legally?

...  under: drug abuse help for veterans The Southfield Veterans' Commission will host a free Veterans' Information Seminar, noon-4 p.m. Friday in the Southfield Parks & Recreation building (Room 115), 26000 Evergreen Road. The program is … Friends of the… Continue reading

Substance Abuse and Prevention Experts Prepare for Elevated Risk in Post

...  treatment court professionals at the world's largest conference on substance abuse, mental health … Read more on The Lincoln Journal  Follow the Money: Former Anti-Drug Officials Call Pot “Dangerous” While … Filed under: drug abuse treatment association But… Continue reading