Enfield Man Faces Prison for Drug-Related Charges
Enfield man faces prison for drug-related charges
Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison
Though Hooten had some success in drug treatment programs following his 2011 conviction, he failed at others due to absence and poor attendance, court records… Continue reading
What Would Be a Good Drug Treatment Program for a Teen?
Question by cynthia v: What would be a good drug treatment program for a teen?
I have a daughter who has gotten into bad company, and started using drugs. She ‘fessed up to me last week, saying that she… Continue reading
I Love Her So Much but I Don’t Know What to Do?
Question by Meredith: I love her so much but I don’t know what to do?
I’m a lesbian who was addicted to drugs. When I was 17 I got sent away to treatment. I went to a wilderness program… Continue reading
Can Someone Give Me a General Idea of My Problem?
Question by Mr. BIG: Can someone give me a general idea of my problem?
I am a 27yr old male 220lbs healthy. I was beaten and caged(in a house)for 15yrs before someone finaly killed them.
I drank n drugged… Continue reading
I Need to Find an Intensive Inpatient Drug Rehabilitation Program for a 24 Year Old Male That Has No Income?
Question by visjac: I need to find an Intensive Inpatient Drug rehabilitation program for a 24 year old male that has no income?
He is from the Chicagoland area and has no job or health insurance. He is in… Continue reading