drug treatment

Christian Treatment Programs??

Question by stolenvoice_x: christian treatment programs??
I am looking for a christian based place to go for residential treatment. I was looking into Mercy Ministries and I am pretty much a no on that and I am a DEFINITE NO… Continue reading

Meet the Drug Rehab Celebrity Dispensing a Dangerous Brand of Intolerance

Meet the Drug Rehab Celebrity Dispensing a Dangerous Brand of Intolerance
In a better world, there would be no conflict between abstinence-based treatment and harm reduction: As in other types of medicine, addiction care would occur on a continuum. Just… Continue reading

If We Build It, Will They Come? Drug Treatment and the Affordable Care Act

If We Build It, Will They Come? Drug Treatment and the Affordable Care Act
With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, Congress has provided us with a historic opportunity to reduce the demand for illegal drugs. The law requires… Continue reading

Legislature Briefs: Abruzzo Gives Emergency Guns Bill the Swing Vote It Needs

Legislature briefs: Abruzzo gives emergency guns bill the swing vote it needs
Drug database: A compromise bill aimed at imposing more security safeguards on the state's prescription-drug monitoring program, would require the state Department of Health to enter agreements… Continue reading

Describe the Treatment Options Available to Recovering Addicts of Marijuana.?

Question by : Describe the treatment options available to recovering addicts of marijuana.?
haha please and thank you (:

Best answer:

Answer by Billy Driskell
rehab…. that is about it. i am a user of that substince and i am… Continue reading

California Drug Treatment Centers

California Drug Treatment Centers