heroin epidemic

Drug Rehab Centers in Orlando Oasis Rehab Sunrise

Drug Rehab Centers in Orlando Oasis Rehab Sunrise
http://www.oasisrehabsunrise.com/drug-rehab-centers-in-orlando – Welcome to Oasis, a rehab that proves produce real and efficient results. You can depend on …



WTF Is Calico, And Why Does Google Think Its Mysterious New… Continue reading

Heroin Needles Popping Up in Clark Co.

Heroin Needles Popping Up in Clark Co.
Heroin Needles Popping Up in Clark Co. SPRINGFIELD — A heroin epidemic has hit the Miami Valley and drug users are dumping used needles where little kids can easily get their hands on… Continue reading

Teenage Heroin Epidemic

Teenage Heroin Epidemic
Swansea Love Story: An award-winning look at a generation lost to heroin, as told through the tragic love story of Amy and Cornelius. In 2009, Swansea drug a…



Back to school, back to drugs?… Continue reading

Heroin Use an Increasing Cause of Death in Ohio

Heroin Use An Increasing Cause Of Death In Ohio
In Ohio, heroin use is rising at a very high rate and is an increasing cause of death in the state. Illustrating the importance of early detection of drug abuse, those… Continue reading

Young Americans Making Better Choices

Young Americans Making Better Choices
"Seek treatment for any substance abuse problems." This report, released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), showed that the misuse of prescription medications by young adults has fallen in recent years.… Continue reading

The Heroin Epidemic: Naloxone, the Overdose Antidote (Video)

The Heroin Epidemic: Naloxone, the overdose antidote (video)
CLEVELAND, Ohio — A new distribution program in Cuyahoga County is giving a drug to heroin addicts that can literally bring them out of the shadow of death during an overdose. It's… Continue reading