new hampshire

Heroin Overdose Suspected in Brentwood Man's Death

Heroin overdose suspected in Brentwood man's death
In February, the Department of Health and Human Services' Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services released its latest findings about heroin use in New Hampshire. It reported that heroin use has reached …… Continue reading

New Hampshire Addiction Center 1-800-303-2938

New Hampshire addiction center 1-800-839-1682
Substance abuse is something that thousands of people go through each year. Substance abuse, alcoholism, and addiction are horrible to have to go through, an…



How Does Tolerance Relate to Addiction?

Question by confuszed…: How does tolerance relate to addiction?
Any help will greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This a question I’m puzzled on in my ASD110 Drugs and Behavior An Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology class. Please don’t use this as… Continue reading

Alcohol Rehab Centers in New Hampshire | Call 800-303-2938 for Inquiries

Alcohol Rehab Centers in New Hampshire | Call 800-839-1682 For Inquiries
Alcohol Rehab Centers in New Hampshire – Call 800-839-1682 For Inquiries There are a lot of cases of drug addiction that need proper attention from medical e…


 … Continue reading

'Alarming' Rise Seen in Drug-Addicted Infants

'Alarming' rise seen in drug-addicted infants
As prescription drug and heroin abuse rises in New Hampshire, doctors are facing a side effect of this trend: babies born addicted to opioids – drugs used to control pain, a condition known as… Continue reading

Drug Addiction ‘Has Me by the Balls’: Miller

Drug addiction ‘has me by the balls’: Miller
Former Olympic swimmer Scott Miller has broken his 13-year silence and revealed his drug addiction to ice has “got me by the balls”. Miller is set to open up on his drug… Continue reading