prescription drug abuse

For Heroin Addicts, There's Help and Hope

For heroin addicts, there's help and hope
2 has drawn attention to treatment of drug and alcohol addiction (the actor relapsed after rehab) and also to heroin's resurgence. Associated with renegades of jazz and literature in the '50s and… Continue reading

Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention, Whitney Houston Rush Limbaugh

Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention, Whitney Houston Rush Limbaugh
Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Whitney Houston Rush Limbaugh ([email protected]) 70 nations…



Denver Health Gives Drug Addicts Nasal Syringe Antidote to Prevent Deadly … – the Denver Channel

Denver Health gives drug addicts nasal syringe antidote to prevent deadly … – The Denver Channel

The Denver Channel

Drug Addiction Stories Anyone?

Question by brooklynfantasticsx: drug addiction stories anyone?
I want to hear about addictions you have had to drugs, or have. and how you recovered, relapsed or are still trying to turn your life around. it could be anything to do… Continue reading

Is It an Issue? Teen Prescription Drug Abuse

Is It an Issue? Teen Prescription Drug Abuse
A presentation on the issue of teen prescription and over-the-counter ( OTC ) drug abuse. Is it even an issue? And if it is: What can we do about it?


 … Continue reading

Prescription Drugs Are Killing Twice as Many People via Overdose as Street Drugs

Question by bassdoc: Prescription drugs are killing twice as many people via overdose as street drugs
This is true in Miami, a city well known for illicit drugs, and certainly sure for the entire country probably at a higher rate.… Continue reading