Prescription Drugs Are Killing Twice as Many People via Overdose as Street Drugs
Question by bassdoc: Prescription drugs are killing twice as many people via overdose as street drugs
This is true in Miami, a city well known for illicit drugs, and certainly sure for the entire country probably at a higher rate.… Continue reading
Is Aphonge Deep Conditioning Treatment a Good Product?
Question by Tyler: is Aphonge deep conditioning treatment a good product?
im african american and i used this product to help grow and strenghten my hair. does it do all it claims? what are your results if you have used… Continue reading
Hair Loss at Fourteen?
Question by foreverflame1119992: hair loss at fourteen?
I’ve lost a lot of hair because of trichotillomania and straightening. I obsessively straightened my hair for 2 years without hair protection spray and it’s shocking how much hair I’ve lost. I’m definitely… Continue reading
Addiction Alcohol and Treatment Center | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities
Addiction Alcohol and Treatment Center | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities Addiction Alcohol and Treatment Center addresses use of alcohol, cocaine, prescription drugs, heroin, & more with r…
Interesting Conspiracies for a Novel?
Question by Anabella: Interesting Conspiracies for a novel?
Hi, I have been reading about conspiracies a lot lately and would like to eventually write a novel dealing with a really interesting conspiracy. I already know about the common ones. (having… Continue reading