Prescription Drugs

Dr. David Sack of Promises Treatment Centers Interview About Prescription Drug Abuse on FuseTV

Dr. David Sack of Promises Treatment Centers Interview about Prescription Drug Abuse on FuseTV
Dr. David Sack, CEO of renowned Promises Treatment Centers is interviewed on Fuse TV about the use of prescription drugs in the mainstream, as well as in the…



About Drug Abuse Centers 1-800-303-2938

About Drug Abuse Centers 1-800-839-1682
Drug addiction is a very serious disease, but drug abuse centers can help treat the individual to be free of this. Call and visit 1-800-839-1682 http://drug-…



In Vermont, A Network Of Help For… Continue reading

Caught Selling Prescription Drugs in a School Zone?!?

Question by Mark: Caught selling prescription drugs in a school zone?!?
So here is the story. In December of 2011 I got caught smoking weed at school. I went to court and they just told me to straighten up. Now,… Continue reading

Your Reaction to Matt Hardy Being Told to Go to Rehab?

Question by “Jim Crockett Promotions Fan”: Your reaction to Matt Hardy being told to go to rehab?
Former WWE and TNA wrestler Matt Hardy was essentially told by authorities in North Carolina to attend rehab or face a tough legal… Continue reading

I Have a Question for Doctors and Other Drug Prescribing Personel?

Question by Nathan: I have a question for Doctors and other drug prescribing personel?
ok so im depressed and most likely bipolar among other severities and I am looking to see my doctor about some prescriptions, now would it be… Continue reading

If Prescription Drugs Are Terribly Abused by Teens, Why Isn’t Anyone Doing Anything About It?

Question by Kaden: If prescription drugs are terribly abused by teens, why isn’t anyone doing anything about it?
Prescription drugs are abused all the time and most pills out there are dangerous and can cause health issues in the future… Continue reading