search warrant

How Long Does Oxycontin Stay in Your System?

Question by sberic81: How long does oxycontin stay in your system?
I snorted roughly 600 mg of Oxycontin in the last two days. I have a drug test coming up in about a week in a half. There doing… Continue reading

What R Rights in Ohio When an Item Is Seized but Not Listed on a Search Warrant Ie Search for Guns,Drugs Taken

Question by dr marc r: what r rights in ohio when an item is seized but not listed on a search warrant ie search for guns,drugs taken
for instance if a warrant states search and seize weapons, but drugs… Continue reading

Bad Situation and I Need Your Opinions; Law Enforcement and Lawyers Please Respond?

Question by Shawn: Bad situation and I need your opinions; Law Enforcement and Lawyers please respond?
My father was killed in a motorcycle accident almost a year ago. Since that happened my mothers nerves have been a wreck.… Continue reading

Any Drug Bust in Cleveland Ohio in the Month of May 18 2007?

Question by CYNTHIA F J: any drug bust in cleveland ohio in the month of may 18 2007?
couriers was using southwest airlines frequent flyer rewards to purchase tickets

Best answer:

Answer by Wiseone
The month of may 18… Continue reading