social worker

What Are Some Job Careers That Help Get People Off Drugs?

Question by meeeeeee: What are some job careers that help get people off drugs?
I want to save peoples lives by getting them off drugs. what are my career options?

Best answer:

Answer by Dochallcom, PhD
America-along with many… Continue reading

Seeking Help for My Alcoholic / Depressed Sister in Rhode Island?

Question by Veridian: Seeking help for my alcoholic / depressed sister in Rhode Island?
Hello, my sister has a problem with alcohol and she also seems very depressed. She has agreed to let me find her some help, but… Continue reading

How Do I Get Rid of My Internet Chatting Addiction?

Question by Annie: How do I get rid of my internet chatting addiction?
Well, this is my final semester at university and I’m wasting time chatting on internet with random people. How do i stop this as my exams… Continue reading

What Are the Current Policies and Practices Are for Substance Abuse and Juvenile Delinquency?

Question by CoeCoe: What are the current policies and practices are for substance abuse and juvenile delinquency?
I am writing a research paper and the topic is juvenile delinquency with a focus on substance abuse. I am trying to… Continue reading

How Is the Custodial Parent Decided in Joint Custody?

Question by Cortney R: how is the custodial parent decided in joint custody?

Best answer:

Answer by adventuresindomesticity
Usually a social worker is involved and they do a study to determine which household is more stable and child friendly.… Continue reading

What Help Is Available for Internet Addiction?

Question by NH Baritone: What help is available for internet addiction?
This is not gambling, porn, or anything other than web cruising and forums. Are there national organizations for internet addiction? Online meetings (the irony is not lost on… Continue reading