st. louis

Nature's Medicines: Translating Plants to Healthcare Applications

Nature's Medicines: Translating Plants to Healthcare Applications
Plants are used to produce drugs that play an important role in cancer treatment, pain control, inflammation reduction, and in the therapy of other critical conditions and come from various sources including plants,… Continue reading

Mindapps and the Neurosingularity Project

Mindapps and The Neurosingularity Project
Surgeons and engineers at Emory University and the Center for Pediatric Healthcare Technology in Atlanta are developing a treatment for craniosynostosis and have developed a model in mice that may be adapted someday to children.… Continue reading

Detox in Southern California?

Question by Elizabeth L: Detox in Southern California?
Where can I find a free or extremely low cost detox for Heroin in Orange or LA County California?

Best answer:

Answer by joe mama
police could probably refer you to county… Continue reading

Alcohol and Drug Rehab, St. Louis, Missouri – Alcohol and Drug Rehab

Alcohol and Drug Rehab, St. Louis, Missouri – Alcohol and Drug Rehab
Alcohol and Drug Rehab, St. Louis, Missouri…



Why Do Illegals Get Prefered Treatment When Arrested the Police Refuse to Even Enter Their Name in a Data Base?

Question by Maricopa County: Why do illegals get prefered treatment when arrested the police refuse to even enter their name in a data base?
Why do illegal get preferred treatment when arrested the police refuse to enter their name in… Continue reading

What Can I Do as a Transition Job While I’m Looking for a Teaching Job in a New State, and Where Should I Go?

Question by Brian: What can I do as a transition job while I’m looking for a teaching job in a new state, and where should I go?
I am currently a certified social studies teacher in Kansas, and am about… Continue reading