substance abuse and mental health services administration

Minimum Wage Increase, Marijuana Decriminalization Pass in Md. General

Minimum Wage Increase, Marijuana Decriminalization Pass in Md. General
"One of two things will happen. You will either decrease the number of people you have in your labor force, which means a decrease in jobs, or you'll have an… Continue reading

Considering the Statistics Related to Cocaine Abuse, Why Risk Voting for a Pres. Who Admitted to Drug Abuse?

Question by Theo N: Considering the statistics related to cocaine abuse, why risk voting for a Pres. who admitted to drug abuse?
Obama admitted to using cocaine among other illegal substances.
Cocaine users have a higher rate of depression as… Continue reading

What Is Wrong With Me? Am I Depressed?

Question by Eric: What is wrong with me? Am I depressed?
I have been experiencing a drastic change of sleeping pattern, lack of hunger and appetite, and constant dwelling… I feel like I may be depressed because,not only have I… Continue reading

Is SUBOXONE a Narcotic?

Question by getoffmyback: Is SUBOXONE a narcotic?

Best answer:

Answer by **Anti-PeTA**
Yes it is. 1. What are Suboxone and Subutex?

Subutex and Suboxone are medications approved for the treatment of opiate dependence. Both medicines contain the active ingredient, buprenorphine… Continue reading

Questions About Drug Abuse?

Question by Zugoo: Questions about drug abuse?
Hello, i have a project about drugs, but i need some questions to write about before i start.
Does anyone have any idea for some questions about how to fight drug abuse by… Continue reading

I Have Been Hooked on Narcotic Meds for 4 Years and I’m Trying to Kick the Habit. How Do I It Without a DR?

Question by daniel: I have been hooked on narcotic meds for 4 years and I’m trying to kick the habit. how do I it without a DR?
I get them off the streets and I’m scared for my life. Please… Continue reading