substance abuse program

Is the Liberal Media Protecting Al Gores Son, if He Was the Son of a Republican It Would Be on TV Everyday?

Question by mission_viejo_california: Is the liberal media protecting Al Gores son, if he was the son of a Republican it would be on TV everyday?
Al Gore III faces felony drug charges
Former vice president has little to say… Continue reading

Is There Any Programs Out There That Will Help With Drug Abuse Treatment After Your Insurance Stops Paying.?

Question by jiger2big: is there any programs out there that will help with drug abuse treatment after your insurance stops paying.?

Best answer:

Answer by quijibored
Narcotics Anonymous

Give your answer to this question below!



Substance… Continue reading

What Is the Most Laid Back Drug Rehab Center in Oregon?

Question by : What is the most laid back Drug Rehab Center in Oregon?
I am looking for a residential substance abuse program that works. I am an adult female who struggles with opiate addiction. Not to say that is… Continue reading

Do You Think That Drug Treatment Programs in Prisons Are Effective? Why or Why Not? What Needs to Be Changed?

Question by ganicity: Do you think that drug treatment programs in prisons are effective? Why or why not? What needs to be changed?
10 points for best answer

Best answer:

Answer by bob6543
i dont think they work. i… Continue reading

How Does the Enabling of Substance Abuse Addiction Work?

Question by bayley de: How does the enabling of substance abuse addiction work?
I have heard that sometimes, families can even sort of encourage the individual to continue on with his substance abuse addiction. How so? What are they… Continue reading