Afghan Wife Maimed for Refusing Drug-Addict Husband’s Cash Demands – CNN
Afghan wife maimed for refusing drug-addict husband’s cash demands – CNN
Afghan wife maimed for refusing drug–addict husband's cash demands CNN He needed money for a fix of heroin and crystal meth — an addiction he'd developed over… Continue reading |
Increased Heroin Use Draws Attention in California
Increased heroin use draws attention in California
It's definitely one of the top four drugs being smuggled into California." — California … SB973, by Sen. Ed Hernandez, D-Covina, removes the currently required seven-day waiting period between detoxification treatments in narcotic… Continue reading
Should the United States Legalize Marijuana?
Should the United States Legalize Marijuana?
“We know that from prevention science … teens are most likely to use things that are A, available and B, for which there is a low perceived harmfulness,” Dr. Christian Thurstone, medical director of… Continue reading
Local & Regional Briefs for Monday, April 7
Local & Regional Briefs for Monday, April 7
Jeanne Shaheen, who met Friday with law enforcement officials and drug abuse treatment providers in Salem, says fighting the epidemic will require a multifaceted approach. She is pushing for greater investment in… Continue reading
Do Substance Abuse Treatment Programs Really Work?
Question by ciana db: Do substance abuse treatment programs really work?
I have pretty much lived a sheltered life. I have an acquaintance who is going to undergo substance abuse treatment and I was just wondering whether such programs are… Continue reading
Federal Funding on Drug Rehabilitation?
Question by Kathy: federal funding on drug rehabilitation?
Best answer:
Answer by tina
The only funding I ever had for a rehab was only because I graduated to the State of California…I was at CRC as an N# and a… Continue reading