war on drugs

King: Drug Battle Should Focus on Addiction

King: Drug battle should focus on addiction
We are basically doing their work for them. That alone should give us some pause about our strategy. Ever since the U.S. launched its “war on drugs” more than 40 years ago, our… Continue reading

Does Anybody Know What Dare Is?

Question by Ally: does anybody know what dare is?
dare is a program where a police officer teaches about drugs

Best answer:

Answer by do-anh
Drug Abuse Resistance Education, better known as DARE, is an international education program that seeks… Continue reading

Giving Up the War on Drugs?

Giving up the war on drugs?
O'REILLY: With the legalization of marijuana in Washington state and Colorado can crack pipe vending machines here be far behind? Joining us once … If they are found with hard drugs, 22 months… Continue reading

Do the Drug Cartels and the Drug Police Remind You of Two Warring Armies Who Long Ago Forgot…?

Question by xaptation: Do the drug cartels and the drug police remind you of two warring armies who long ago forgot…?
…what they were fighting over and have devolved into looting and terrorizing the populace?

This story has made me… Continue reading

Faith Leaders Wrestle Over Growing Support for Marijuana

Faith leaders wrestle over growing support for marijuana
Both Colorado and Washington state approved the recreational use of marijuana by adults in the 2012 elections. Even Texas Gov. … Nine states and the District of Columbia have introduced legislation to… Continue reading

Drake Institute Reviews for Drug-Free Adhd Treatment | (949) 653-2020

Drake institute reviews for drug-free adhd treatment | (949) 653-2020
http://www.drakeinstitute.com for more information. {Drake Institute Reviews} The Drake Institute of Behavioral Medicine and medical associates is an innovat…



Drug court funds granted
MARINETTE – Marinette County will… Continue reading