war on drugs

Race and the Drug War…?

Question by Cappucino: Race and the drug war…?
The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession arrests in the U.S. Please read… Continue reading

Letter: Treat Drug Addiction as a Health-Care Issue, Not a Criminal One

Letter: Treat drug addiction as a health-care issue, not a criminal one
The “war on drugs” in the U.S. and Canada was instituted to prevent … use, can we not devise distribution centres for drug addicts in order for them… Continue reading

Letter: Wrong Way to Deal With Inmate Drug Abuse

Letter: Wrong way to deal with inmate drug abuse
It will probably surprise most people, but there is zero substance abuse treatment within the prisons of our state. Like the failed war on drugs, the Department of Corrections addresses drug… Continue reading

Is Writing About Depression and Substance Abuse a Bad Idea?

Question by Lucy: Is writing about depression and substance abuse a bad idea?
I am applying to the University of Maryland: College Park and I REALLY need an amazing essay. I consider myself to be a strong writer, but I’m… Continue reading

Alcohol and Weed

Alcohol and weed
I believe it was Nora Volkow, longtime director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse (and a ringer for Latka's girlfriend in “Taxi,” which is neither here nor there) who explained at a conference on addiction I… Continue reading

Charita Goshay: Weed Gives NFL a Thorny Problem – Canton Repository

Charita Goshay: Weed gives NFL a thorny problem – Canton Repository

Charita Goshay: Weed gives NFL a thorny problem
Canton Repository
Will Cleveland Browns wide receiver Davone Bess be added to the roster of pro athletes whose careers struck… Continue reading