The Bottom Health Stories of 2013

The Bottom Health Stories of 2013
HIV prevention and treatment gets far more funding here than Hep C, but some researchers would like to see more resources come to Hep C. It's a devastating illness, and until recently the treatment has been long and painful. But new options … It's … Read more on Rhode Island Public Radio

Our insane health-care system: free health care in prison, nothing afterward
Even if they wanted to get care afterwards, they really can't, because it requires them re-enrolling in Medicaid just to get their prescription medications, let alone to make an appointment with their clinician. … If they have these costly-to-treat … Read more on Washington Post (blog)

La Salle County crime at 10-year low mark
“We'll never fully alleviate the problem, but we continue to have a focus on the dealers and on treatment for addicts.” Actually, crime is down almost across the board. … Diminishing drug abuse is the single biggest explanation, as drugs not only … Read more on LaSalle News Tribune