The Lure of Heroin: Painfully Addictive and Difficult to Quit (Op-Ed)

The Lure of Heroin: Painfully Addictive and Difficult to Quit (Op-Ed)
Ben Cimons, who grew up in Bethesda, Md. is now living in a recovery house in Wilmington, N.C. He has been clean and sober for more than four months. … relapses during the next two years, but eventually got clean and stayed that way for three and a … Read more on

A suburban heroin addict describes his brush with death and his hopes for a
I grew up in a nice Bethesda neighborhood, with a single mother who never drank, smoked cigarettes or used any illegal substances. … I got out, I had a couple of brief relapses during the next two years, but eventually got clean and stayed that way … Read more on Washington Post (blog)

Heroin: It felt so good, until an overdose almost killed me
I grew up in a nice neighborhood in Bethesda, Md., with a single mother who never drank, smoked cigarettes or used any illegal substances. … got out, I had a couple of brief relapses during the next two years, but eventually got clean and stayed that … Read more on

Bethesda Recovery Homes of South Africa
Drawing on many years of their own active destructive addictions, the BRH’s team of highly trained addictions counselors, working hand in hand with several d…