The New York Times Is Dead Wrong About Drug Addiction – Salon

The New York Times is dead wrong about drug addiction – Salon


The New York Times is dead wrong about drug addiction
Hidden in this highly-trafficked piece was even more demoralizing language about drug users, a population already besieged by stigma. Dasani's parents are on opiate-replacement therapy — in their case, methadone, not the newer Suboxone. Rather than 

drug addiction – Google News

What If Holiday Stress Leads To Prescription Drug Abuse? – KUHF-FM


What If Holiday Stress Leads To Prescription Drug Abuse?
He says stress and depression could cause a holiday rise in alcohol and prescription drug misuse or overdose. "A lot of people really increase their drinking around the times of the holiday, their alcohol use. And there's a huge risk in mixing alcohol

drug addiction – Google News

American College Of Physicians Urges Stricter Controls To Address Prescription … – Forbes

American College Of Physicians Urges Stricter Controls To Address Prescription
Faced with the difficulty of preventing or reducing prescription drug abuse while preserving patient access to appropriate treatment, the Health and Public Policy Committee of ACP developed the position paper to provide proper guidance to medical

drug addiction – Google News