Therapy for Severe Panic Attacks?
Question by Chiquiturria: Therapy for Severe Panic Attacks?
Seeking a therapist or someone specializing in panic disorder in the middlesex county or union county area. The only problem is that I only have Horizon NJ Health through the state or medicaid. I have been really suffering from severe panic attacks and I’m to the point where I can’t take it anymore so I’m praying that I get answers soon. I can’t even be bymyself at home. I feel very depressed and very desperate.
Best answer:
Answer by John K
I don’t know about therapy, but you could start with a support group. A good on-line forum can be found at:
And remember: No matter how bad the symptoms are, they’re in your mind. You’re not going to die. Good luck!
Answer by rockyd70094
Hey severe anxeity/depression/ocd sufferer here. I’m so with you. I suffered for 6 yrs. I got over it with zoloft and beer 5 yrs ago but that wasn’t a healthy route. Now that I quit drinking I’m hitting a low again. Was just driving but now I panic in my own house. So now its a 24/7 tightchested hard to breath life that seems pointless. But of course that is the depression that spawned off the anxeity that I feel this way. Although I don’t drink anymore since I know downing a beer woukd take away the symptoms I keep a few in the fridge for a mindset and remember they are there when I feel one coming on. When u have one rate it. 1 being none and 10 being full blown. Write it down and observe it from the outside looking in. U tap into a different part of the brain when u do this the logical side whick can distract u until it subsides. Find anything to take ur mind off it. I use Y!answers to keep me thinking. I know it can make u feel like ill never get rid of this which inturn makes u panic worse. But believe me a consouler will help so much and meds should be a last result but hey if u r bad off then do what u gotta do. I promise after some time of getting help panic attacks will be a distant memory. Now they can come back but once u beat it once u will have the tools to do so again. Also drink a bottle of water when panicing. Its kinda like a IV at the hospital and can really relax u. Another thing is don’t fight it. Welcome it. Fighting it makes it worse.panic attacks can’t last forever. They can only last for like a min. Then ur body relaxes. Body produces its natural relaxing meds. I’m getting ready to try this all natural stuff that helps with chemical imbalances. Called vilift. Ill tell u how it works. If u ever hit a low like me and hate life rememeber suicide is a permant soulution to a temporary problem. You are more than a panic attack. Be strong. Pray about it. Email me if you need someone to talk to. It helps to talk with someone who is suffering too. You are not alone Good Luck and God Bless.