US Senate Must Act on Pharmacy Safeguards

US Senate must act on pharmacy safeguards
The millions of Americans who rely on compounded medications each year, particularly injectable treatments, shouldn't have to worry about these products' safety or purity. That's why the U.S. Senate should move swiftly to put the common-sense “Drug … Read more on Minneapolis Star Tribune

Common Genetic Pathway Could Be Conduit to Pediatric Tumor Treatment
"Since the pathways are more active in some areas of the brain, compared with others, it suggests that the outcomes of drug treatments targeting those pathways may differ as well," says Rodriguez. … Eberhart of Johns Hopkins; Matthias Karajannis and … Read more on

WISCONSIN NEWS ROUND-UP: Sudden cold snap affects homeless in Fox Valley
She was last seen in Minneapolis in the summer of '93. Walton was 22 back then. Recently, Minnesota's Bureau of Criminal Apprehension began a statewide project to identify dozens of human remains. Walton was the first, after her family provided DNA … Read more on Pierce County Herald

Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab News – Minnesota Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab News. Minnesota News talks about the successful Narconon Arrowhead program which has over a 70% su…