Washington State 911 Good Samaritan Law

Washington State 911 Good Samaritan Law
Seattle Police Department training video about Washington state’s 911 Good Samaritan Law, Naloxone distribution, and StopOverdose.org website. Posted by the …



Edward 'Butch' Warren, Washington-born bassist, dies at 74
Edward “Butch” Warren, a Washington-born bassist who performed on celebrated albums of the modern jazz era before vanishing almost completely from the music scene because of and deteriorating mental health, died Oct. 5 at Holy Cross … Read more on Washington Post

'We Are Water,' by Wally Lamb
The Monkey Cage | Julie George · reid_wilson · States slow to spend homeowner assistance dollars …. Together they present an exhaustive inventory of woe: teenage pregnancy, miscarriage, prostitution, racism, paraplegia, divorce, abandonment … Read more on Washington Post

Chris Brown enters rehab amid new assault charge
The possibility of prison has prompted R&B singer Chris Brown to head to rehab after he was arrested in Washington, D.C., Sunday for simple assault. The singer was arrested for giving a 20-year-old Maryland man a broken nose over the weekend. He spent … Read more on Washington Times

Nightlife Agenda: Comedian Q&A and beer release
Each beer helps the environment, too: Five percent of all sales goes toward restoring the Chesapeake Bay's oyster supply. … Butch Warren, who died Oct. 5 at 74, was one of Washington's greatest jazz musicians. As the bassist in Blue Note Records … Read more on Washington Post