What Are the Problems a Family Faces if a Family Member Is Taking Drugs.?

Question by EdenJade: What are the problems a family faces if a family member is taking drugs.?
Please give an scenario about the problems faced,consequences/conflict,prevention,solution,where can go for help.

Best answer:

Answer by theMon
it matters what kind of drugs, how old the person is, and how seriously addicted they are. if someone does weed once a month with their friends, it wont affect the family much. but if someone is setiously into heroin, the person will need a lot of money to buy the heoin in the first place, theyll be very emotionally unstable, and might have to go to rehab. which will shock everyone in the family and make some parents feel guilty and other parents angry. well their are a lot of problems that come from drugs. didnt even mention health and health bills

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