What Happens to Multiple Birth Babies in China?
Question by kathy_is_a_nurse: What happens to multiple birth babies in China?
I was just wondering. I just read this article of a woman who is pregnant with at least five babies. She lives in a northeast province of China. Since China forces abortions in a family with more than two babies, what happens with multiple birth situations like this?
Best answer:
Answer by Earl E Morningwood
They rent them out to make ipods in the slave labor factories
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
House of Hope Provo – Zoe’s Story – The House of Hope is a non-profit organization that has provided statewide substance abuse treatment services since for 65 years. The House of Hope’s Salt Lake and Provo programs are gender-specific programs that provide substance abuse treatment services to women, pregnant women and mothers with children. Mothers in need of substance abuse treatment services can bring their children (under age 8) into treatment with them at the House of Hope. The House of Hope in Salt Lake City provides residential treatment for up to 45 women and 45 children daily, and serves up to 40 outpatient/day treatment women and 25 of their children daily. The Hope Center for Children can serve up to 75 children daily whose mothers attend the House of Hope programs. The House of Hope in Provo provides residential treatment for up to 16 women and 28 children daily. House of Hope Therapists and Case Managers provide caring, best-practice treatment for addiction and co-occurring mental health issues. Treatment is focused on the biological, psychological, and social causes of addiction, and is holistic in nature. Services include group, individual and family therapy; group and individual behavior management; substance abuse education; relapse prevention; life skills; communication skills; anger management; and trauma groups. Parents in the program are taught positive parenting skills aimed at rebuilding and strengthening the parent/child attachment relationship. Case managers link each mother and …
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During her time at the center, Kate will reportedly spend time with the substance abuse clients and the staff members who care for them. Hope House Action on Addiction is a 23-bed treatment center where women can recover from various issues including …
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“We saw drug abuse, we saw teen parents, we saw abusive relationships, we saw just negativity on every end. No education at all.” Both watched struggles in their own family. Thankfully, their mother prayed for their strength and a teacher encouraged …
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