What Is Your Junk Food Addiction When You Was a Teen?

Question by Deniece: What is your junk food addiction when you was a teen?
Even though I’m 13, my junk food addiction is macaroni and cheese, McDonalds, and ice cream!! :(… So sad… Now, I need to lose weight..:(
Yes it is… In my house, it is… Fruit and Vegetables are the only thing that is not Junk Food..

Best answer:

Answer by ?Ava Jewel’s Mommy?
Chocolate is and has always been my addiction. Anything chocolate. 🙂

Answer by a v
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Aversion Hypnosis Therapy for Food Addiction by Dr. Kuhn
Reverse hypnosis to help you combat TV advertising. To help you see unhealthy food and to help you avoid this food. Dr. Kuhn provides a narrative for the dan…