What Signs Are Most Prone to Drug Addiction?

Question by Cappychic: What signs are most prone to drug addiction?
What signs in your experience are more prone to drug addiction?From what Ive seen your rarely ever see aries or leos addicts.Most people with drug or alcohol addiction are virgo,capricorn,taurus,pisces and scorpio,and cancer all the earth and water signs!
Im not trying to insult anyone,I agree most people that drink or do drugs are most likely depressed.
Im just saying from the people Ive met its mostly earth and water signs,I was just curious to see other peoples experiences.Honestly I know a lot of leos and none of them do crack or meth only couple smoke herb once in a while.

Best answer:

Answer by phantasticphotog
Signs are not, people are.

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Into Action Treatment; A Unique Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in South

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It is the one year anniversary of a solution focused rehab, that offers a unique treatment model to addiction. It is called Into Action Treatment and they are a drug rehab that offers treatment for alcoholics and addicts of the hopeless variety, which …
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Drug addiction treatment developed by UAB researchers included in national

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Drug addiction treatment developed by UAB researchers included in national registry. By Jennifer Lollar · Add to Facebook. font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size; Print. The U.S. Department of Health and …
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