Whatever Happened to Cash for Service With the Medical Profession?
Question by pdooma: Whatever happened to Cash for Service with the medical profession?
When did the insurance industry get involved in all this? It seems like all they’ve done is jack up prices, restrict care, and given everyone a headache.
Do you think a return to cash for service, where the fees and treatment are determined between the doctor and the patient, would just be a simpler option? Less paperwork. Less headache. Better care. Lower costs for preventative medicine. I suppose the sticking point is when you’re having major surgery or come down with Cancer. But then insurance companies reject that anyway…
Best answer:
Answer by cbmttek
My doctor will give me a 15% discount if I pay cash.
Then I have to handle any potential reimbursement from my insurance.
Works out as a win in both cases.
Answer by ruth
I’m with you. Somewhere along the way “insurance” became interchangeable with “healthcare.”