What’s the Deal With Cleveland Kidnap Victim, Michele Knight, Being Missing, AGAIN?

Question by Rick: What’s the deal with Cleveland kidnap victim, Michele Knight, being missing, AGAIN?
She reportedly checked herself out of the hospital, against medical advice, and dropped off the face of the earth. After being “missing” for over 10 years, she is missing again? I know we never get the complete truth in cases like this, but this is ridiculous. My first thought is that she either left to buy drugs or, hopefully, to get drug rehab? However, if it was drug rehab, why would the records say “against medical advise”? Where do you think she went? According to news reports, neither her mother nor grandmother have any idea of her location. Thoughts? Is there a lot more to this saga that the public isn’t being told because it might taint the heartwarming story that has been such a media sensation?
I wonder if this gives any validity to the rumor that her status wasn’t the same as the other two kidnap victims? Maybe something more like battered female accomplice?
@James…Why would she get up and check herself out the hospital? Isn’t that about as “safe and secure” as it gets? Why is Michele’s whereabouts such a big mystery? I can’t help thinking that when this sort of thing happens with a regular “celebrity”, the “safe and secure location” turns out to be a drug or alcohol rehab center.

Best answer:

Answer by James
She is not missing, she simply wants to maintain a low-profile. Reports say she is in a “safe and secure” place. Perhaps this means she is in a women’s shelter, or with one of the other victims. She has been through hell and obviously needs time to emotionally recover. Apparently her relationship with her family was less-than-ideal, which may explain why she doesn’t want to meet with them during this sensitive time. I have never heard that she left the hospital against medical advice.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



voice to skull in Cleveland, Ohio used to promote homosexuality by enforced inducement of torment


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