Where Can a Minor Live Besides Home?

Question by vic: Where can a minor live besides home?
I haven’t been creating a safe environment for my family, especially my younger sisters, in my house and my mom has threatened several times to kick me out.
But my question is what would her options be if she decided I couldn’t stay here anymore?? She has already told me she doesn’t think that any friends or family will take me in because I’m too much of a liability. And I was in a residential treatment program for a year and a half so she’s not willing to pay to send me somewhere.
I’m turning 17 in less than a month and I live in Maryland. If it makes a difference, a few of my problems are prescription drug abuse, taking family member’s meds, running away from home, and sneaking out with a parents car at night. Please dont lecture me on shaping up, I’ve been trying and I’ve been getting therapy but I’ve already lost all trust and my mom doesn’t want to risk keeping me here much longer.
I’m just not sure where else she would be able to send me besides to a family member or therapy program… Would she have a case if she petitioned for foster care or could she try to send me to jail?

Best answer:

Answer by Lance
Foster care or a group home are options, Unless you’ve committed a chargeable crime, jail isn’t.

Answer by Andrea
get yourself together before doing anything you have a life ahead of you and you should give good examples for you sisters. if you want to end up in the streets all your life thats up to you. but i encourage you to be the bigger person and prove your mother wrong that youre worth it and finish with school. trust me we all go through something similar running away because we hate life and everyone around us but that just makes our life worst because were hurting ourselves not them cause youre proving them that you give up easily.

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