Why Is Marijuana Schedule 1 Drug and Cocaine Schedule 2?

Question by : Why is marijuana schedule 1 drug and cocaine schedule 2?
Is there a reason for this? Marijuana isn’t a bad drug, it doesn’t make you violent, no one has died from an overdose. So is there another reason why its considered to be worse then Cocaine?

Best answer:

Answer by Jesse
It’s just corruption in our government.. Multi-Billion dollar Pharmaceutical companies pay our government to keep street drugs illegal

Answer by M
A schedule 1 drug “supposedly” has a high risk for abuse and addiction and also has no medicinal value. The federal government believes these things to be true and that is why it is a schedule 1 drug. Cocaine is schedule 2 ONLY because it has some medicinal properties but not in the ways we are familiar with (snorting/injecting). I think they have some eye drops or something that have cocaine in them to help with pain after surgery. I believe that marijuana has medicinal properties and so do a fair amount of states but to the federal government its the worst thing ever and that’s why its illegal on the federal level.