Why Should Drug Addicts Be Placed in Hospitals Instead of Prisons?

Question by maria17: Why should drug addicts be placed in hospitals instead of prisons?
I need pros for why drug addicts should be placed in hospitals instead of prisons. I need FACTS. It’s for a 5 paragraph paper. PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!

Best answer:

Answer by chaotic caryn
well one thing is that in hospitals they can get properly treated and detoxicated from an drugs that are in their system, in jail they will not get that type of service.

Answer by indiechick
Because it’s not a crime that hurts other people and it is a disease as much as alcoholism, depression, diabetes, and cancer are. Drug addicts aren’t evil people, they just need help.

CA Drug Diversion | PC 1000 | Deferred Entry of Judgment
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